The grounds around the country are soggy and it doesn't look like there will be an easy start to the season! However it is a good time to remind ourselves of Ashbrooke's wonderful cricket heritage by scrolling through some of the past posts. Here for example is a really rare photograph from our archives. Google 'Australia Cricket 1878' and you will get numerous copies of the official photograph of the first Australian side to visit England. To my knowledge there are less than a hand full (if that) of this casual one taken at the same time with three officials looking very unofficial. It is in the Ashbrooke archives alongside the official photograph of the visiting Australian 1880 side as the Australians played a Sunderland side at the old Chester Road ground on both occasions.

 Moving on almost 150 years we should now keep an eye on the progress of Chris Rushworth at Warwickshire and Matty Potts at Durham as both have represented Sunderland sides at one time or another. Meanwhile we can only wish the current Sunderland sides - young and old - a successful season. This applies in particular to the 1st XI which is back with the big boys of north east cricket after a promotion - and fingers crossed for the weather.